Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Minoan Presentation

1) Map of where the Minoans lived. 

2) Their Government
The Minoans had priest-kings rule their city-states. The priest kings made laws and represented ideas of the gods on Earth. They would climb to the top of a mountain, looking for a sign from heaven that would tell them what the gods wanted. Since they believed the lily flower was sacred, the king would wear a lily crown and necklace. 

3) Why they were important

4) What have they left us (or influence our culture)
The Minoans left us with beautiful watercolor paintings or frescoes, which they decorated the palaces with. They also left us with the sport of boxing and bull leaping(also bull fighting). 

5) Retell a story from them or about them
No one knows for sure why the Minoan civilization came to an end, but legend says that Theseus, a young, Greek prince was brought to Knossos to be sacrificed to the Minotaur, a huge monster in the labyrinth of the palace. The Minotaur had the body of a man and the head of a bull. Theseus had to go into the labyrinth and kill the Minotaur. He did so successfully with the help of a magical sword. Supposedly, when the Minotaur died Minoan power died, too. 

6) Timeline.

7) Visual Aid.
Ruins of the palace in Knossos. 

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